Hart Home CEO Speaks to Education Today Magazine on Increasing School Water Bills

The cost of water bills are increasing in all our homes, for businesses and of course all our schools, which is an added strain on the tight budgets schools are already wrestling with. High traffic areas in the commercial sector and schools where there will be a large number of washrooms, are advised to consider ways they can save water, which in turn saves money.

At Hart Home Group, we regularly advise our customers of different cost saving methods, such as installing timed flow taps where the flow of water will shut off after approximately 8-10 seconds of use. An even simpler solution is to insert a water saving aerator to existing taps, which reduce the flow of water to a range of speeds, even as low as 3 litres per minute.

Derek Aaronson, the company CEO was very happy to share these ideas along with many more to Education Today magazine, to support their readers.

Please view the article on page 41-42 in Education Today.